Human Factors Engineering for Civil Flight Deck Design and Certification
25 March 2025
The University of Kansas is offering a course on Human Factors Engineering in Civil Flight Deck Design in Seattle in March of 2025.
The goal of the course is to ensure that the pilot compartment and its installed systems and equipment support safe aircraft operation and comply with applicable certification regulations, are easy to use, maximize human-machine performance, and provide a superior pilot experience. Flight deck human factors engineers work to support a pilot-centered flight deck development process. They generate requirements by applying data-driven knowledge about the pilot's capabilities and limitations and validate them through analysis and structured evaluations/tests. This course is intended to give engineers, pilots, and managers involved in the design and certification of civil flight decks an introduction to the required human factors engineering activities. The course reviews the physical, physiological, psychological, and cognitive performance capabilities of flight crews. It explores the limitations of pilots' performance and how they are impacted by systemic variables in the flight deck environment. It then examines how pilots' capabilities and limitations impact crew workload and human error. The course builds a theoretical human factors engineering foundation for designing and assessing civil flight decks and their installed systems and equipment. The course provides flight deck design examples and accident analysis from a human factors point of view. Key topics include applicable certification regulations, design guidelines, industry standards, and means of compliance.
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