Webinar - EASA Study on ATCO Fatigue - Interim Results
8 December 2023
In December 2022, EASA commissioned a research study on the Impact Analysis, Prevention and Management of ATCO Fatigue in the European Union. The Agency is being supported in this endeavour by a consortium composed of the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), Welbees, Ries Simons Consulting, Ecorys Netherlands, MovingDot and CAA International.
This webinar will provide the European aviation community with a comprehensive update on project objectives, approach, progress, and preliminary results (where available) ahead of the study's final report and dissemination of results. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
This webinar is open to representatives from EU aviation organisations involved in air traffic management / air navigation services (ATM/ANS), more particularly in air traffic services (ATS). In particular, ATS providers, the aeromedical community, national aviation authorities (NAAs), staff associations and trade unions, and other international associations and agencies.
See link below "Registration and more information" for link to the relevant webpage.
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