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EAAP Recognised Courses

EAAP may recognise a training course or conference as course to meet the requirements for accreditation as Aviation Psychologist or Human Factors Specialist based on the criteria below. EAAP will only consider recognising courses that are potentially open to all of its members.

  • Open access to all EAAP members (i.e. without enrollment in full programme)
  • Submission and prior approval of the course content (syllabus and learning objectives must be relevant to Aviation Psychology & Human Factors)
  • Submission of course details (including course prerequisites, trainer qualifications, course duration, logistics etc.)
  • Submission of participant feedback from previous courses for quality assessment purposes
  • Evidence for continuous evaluation of the course through a feedback form or similar
  • Provision of a significant reduction of course fees for EAAP members

EAAP will also ask you for organizational details related to sponsorship & registration of the course, course trainers/ facilitators, target audience, location, teaching language etc.

EAAP recognized courses will be included in the EAAP course program and promoted through all EAAP channels.
EAAP does not take any liability of the course quality and does not get involved in the governance of the course.

If you would like to get a course recognised by EAAP please submit your request along with all the course details here.

For any other questions please contact the EAAP Training Manager on .

2016 Courses

May 2016
Advanced HF in Aviation Safety Training Course: 15-19 May 2016 in Dubai (UAE)

The course was held from 15-19 May 2016 in Dubai (UAE). kindly hosted by Emirates Airlines.

May 2016
Initial HF in Flight Safety Training Course: 23-27 May 2016, Barcelona (Spain)

The course was held from 23-27 May 2016 in Barcelona kindly hosted by Vueling Airlines.

June 2016
Masterclass: HF & Safety: 20-24 June 2016, Amsterdam (NL)

The Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences presented a master class on Human Factors and Safety by Professor Sidney Dekker in...

September 2016
Master of Human Factors in Aviation at Coventry University

Since autumn 2014 Coventry University is offering a Master Program in Aviation Human Factors. For informal discussions about this course, please contact...


October 2016
2nd Lufthansa Flight Training HF Conference: 20-21 Oct. 2016

Lufthansa Flight Training is pleased to organise the 2nd conference at the Lufthansa Conference and Training Center in Seeheim themed at "Enabling People....


Last update: 04.05.2024